Ramptoe Experimentations (2022)

Splorf2 (2022)

Amazing Graces (2021) 

Tandy Remix! 

Walps - Katarina Mazur - Choreolab 2020
Choreolab is a winter intensive facilitated by GroundWorks DanceTheatre in Cleveland, OH. Walps is the product of my creative interest in Ukrainian folk dance and music. Nicole Hennington (dancer/choreographer) and I wondered how this interest might meld with more contemporary sensibilities. The sounds of Walps were created through improvisations on cajon, and accordion paired with a vocally guided French Horn samples performed by Franco Ortiz. The bassline was composed from Ти ж мене підманула (Ty Zh Mene Pidmanula), a humorous Ukrainian-Georgian folk song. The title, which translates as, "you tricked me and let me down," are the lyrics of the chorus of the tune. The work was performed as a partner dance, with a saddened intensity. Choreolab culminated in two informal showings, one at Oberlin College and one at Cleveland State University.

We’re Sisters!

An improvised performance featuring Katarina Mazur on Harp, Kayla Reagan on Fiddle, and Oli Bentley on Accordion. Our trio combines the timbres of folk music with contemporary improvisation techniques and live electronics designed in ableton and MaxMSP. 

Symbiotic Tendrils
Stereo-Fixed-media composed from processed vocals, harp, bassoon, classical guitar, organ, and baroque oboe. The work seeks to evoke a cellular membrane  of femininity through themes of community and ritual. I hoped that the sounds would highlight the future-primordiality of the work through lyricless vocal expression, folk-songstyles, and electronics. These sounds guided improvised movement within a textile wombspace for Louise Wurzelbacher’s Senior Dance Recital. 

Some other Fun Things!